Sustainability through Engagement, Empowerment, & Mobilisation
The financial world has the responsibility and power to steer the economy towards one that is climate-friendly, inclusive and sustainable for the long run. While doing so, they will not only solve the climate issues but many other bigger challenges the world faces today. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are achievable when the investor community, the investee and the entire supply chain innovate at scale, transform and become long-term focused and sustainable.
SEEM's Journey
Sep 1, 2018
Sep 25, 2018
Jun 11, 2019
Aug 8, 2019
Dec 5, 2022
Oct 11, 2023
It is possible when entities have a Purpose, a higher Purpose beyond just making a profit that becomes the core of their transformation for their long-term sustainability and corporates disclose their standardised NetZero Transition Plans and updates on their progress and other relevant details at a standardised frequency. The FIs capture them accurately and use them in meaningful ways to measure businesses’ true creditworthiness while considering them alongside their financial performances and other aspects. The FIs innovate, comply with all regulations and respond to their own business needs with agility. They further disclose their standardised NetZero transition plans and updates on their progress and other relevant details while consolidating required metrics from their portfolio companies' and assets' (derived from FIs') std. Net Zero Transition Plans & and their Standardised Variations.
Entity-level systemic change to enable innovation at scale in leading financial institutions and large corporates, extended to their s/chains and v/chains through the standardised transformation methodology CTM(Change thru Movement) centred on entities’ Purpose
and aiming for their Just & Resilient NetZero Transition at the pace they must
and Digital Transformation (regTech product for Corporate & Investment banks)
Entities’ Just & Resilient NetZero Transition at the pace they
must (requires standardisation to define “must”)
Entities long-term sustainability
Deployment and disclosure of qualitative & quantitative universal ESG metrics, including entities' comparable sustainability performance (thru std. NetZero Transition Plans & their std. variations deploying full & part CTM & their mesurements done by other parties)
FIs measuring or having access to corporates' true creditworthiness incorporating their
non-financials alongside financials and other aspects
Solving greenwashing and SDG-washing
Creating an authentic, robust & transparent ESG asset class enabling further innovation in sustainable finance to let capital flow to where they are needed the most such as EMDEs
Innovations at scale in sustainable finance from both an investor's and an investee's perspectives with a focus on transition finance, including climate finance with a large part from blended financing, impact investing, etc. and in products and services in sectors like Energy, Steel, Cement, Aviation, industrialised food production etc.